SEGi College Subang Jaya Library
Koha Advanced Search

Explanation of terms used:

A keyword can be a word that appears anywhere inside a library record.
Using just keywords to search for library items is useful when information of the library item is incomplete.
However keyword searches retrieve large number of results. They can be narrowed down using fields, filters and limits for more refined results that meets the need of the search.

Keywords Phrase Searching
To search an exact phrase of keywords, use quotes to enclose the phrase.
e.g."artificial intelligence", "global warming".

A print record of your details have fields like Name, Age, Nationality, Gender, Place of Birth, Address, etc. to describe you.
Likewise an electronic record e.g. a library book record also has its own fields like ISBN (International Standard Book Number), Title, Author, Publisher, Place Published, Year, Description (Number of Pages, Illustrations, Plates, Bibliographical References, Index, Accompanying CDs, Maps, etc.) to describe it.
With options in Fields provided in a search box, it can be specified which part of a library record to search into.

Filters & Limits
Filters and limits are basically options to further narrow the search results apart from the selection of fields.

Boolean Operators
Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT are preset limits that can be chosen before conducting a keyword search to either expand or narrow the search.
AND: This operator narrows the search as it is asking for records that must have all the keywords present.
e.g. brain cells is searched as brain AND cells
OR: This operator broadens the search as it is asking for records that have either of the keywords present and also both of the keywords present.
e.g. brain OR cells will retrive records with either brains, cells, and also brain cells (together as a phrase).
NOT: This operator narrows the search by excluding unwanted words.
e.g. brain NOT cells. This means any library item that has brain and cells in its record will be excluded.

Nesting uses Boolean Operators to group the keywords.
e.g. (online or internet or electronic) and (business or commerce)

To find a term with variant spelling or endings, use a question mark (?) as a wildcard or truncation symbol.
e.g. child? will find results with child, children, childhood, etc.
e.g. lab?r will find results with labor, labour, laborer, etc.

  Koha Advanced Search
    Please click on the link to guide.   PDF

  Koha Advanced Search: Sample Search
    Please click on the link to guide.   PDF

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